June 7, 8 & 9, 2024
Kilometers For Kaydee + Virtual 5K
Last year Joe Morin, Kaydee's Uncle and Project Sol Flower Board Member, launched Kilometers for Kaydee and it was a huge success. He ran 50 kilometers in a single effort to raise significant money for the foundation. We now are dubbing Joe's run as "Krazy Kilometers" in support of his original vision so for any other long distance runners that want to get "krazy" with Joe let us know!
But, not all of us are super human runners like Joe! So, now that Joe has laid the foundation, this year Kilometers for Kaydee is going to be even more amazing because we've added several ways to get involved.
1) Carry on the tradition and sponsor Joe and pledge a dollar amount per kilometer that he plans to run on Friday June 7th. Send us a message through our website or direct message us on social media with your pledge. No amount is too small! We've seen donations that range from $1 per kilometer to $100 per kilometer so please help support Joe as he tackles his personal race to honor his niece Kaydee! He plans to run 50K again this year and we will be there to cheer him on!
2) Feel like taking on a 5k yourself? Join us for the virtual 5k event to raise money for Project Sol Flower! We don't care how you cover your 5k - run, walk, bike, skip, blade ... it doesn't matter! Every 5k entry helps us support more 18-26 year old's who are suffering from serious disease.
This Virtual 5K is unique thanks to The Next Fitness Thing technology, a trainers and app we are leveraging. Kilometers for Kaydee Virtual 5k will take place on June 8 & 9 at 9:00am MST in the TNFT app. You will have a certified trainer in your ear encouraging you every step of the way, as well as an interactive group chat of fellow participants for additional motivation and support.
You will also have access to a post-event stretch session and an optional training program to help you achieve your 5k walking or running goals. If you prefer to run your virtual 5k on your own time over the Kilometers for Kaydee weekend and upload your results when you're done, you can do that too! So what are you waiting for? Join us!
3) Local Denver Friends: Join us at Crown Hill Park in Wheat Ridge (26th & Kipling) on Saturday June 8th at 9am for a group fun run. Or run on your own and meet us at Esters from 10-12 for brunch. Esters is reserving the patio for us and donating 20% of our groups checks to the foundation. We hope to see you there!
June 7,8 & 9, 2024
Last June, Joe Morin, Kaydee Koch's uncle, turned his grief into massive action when he ran the first Kilometers for Kaydee, a solo long distance run to raise money for the non-profit his niece founded before she passed. Joe will run another awe-inspiring 50k on Friday June 7, 2024 along with a few other dedicated "mileage junkies."
The rest of us mere mortals will have an opportunity to join in the fun this year and raise money for Project Sol Flower, while also preserving our joints.
Introducing Kilometers for Kaydee Virtual 5k Charity Fun Run on June 8-9 2024!
Local Denver Friends: Join us at Crown Hill Park on Saturday June 8th at 9am for a group fun run. Or run on your own and meet us at Esters from 10-12 for brunch. Esters is reserving the patio for us and donating 20% of sales to the foundation.​